Schedule Example
ABC's of Kindergarten
WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN ROOM 10!! In Kindergarten we learn how to do just about everything. We learn to read, write, line up, form a circle, and get along with others. We have specialists that help us in P.E., Music, Library and Computer classes. Kindergarten is FUN!! I would love to know more about you!! Please fill out the "Get To Know You" questionaire. If you need a copy, just click below:
Get to Know You
A sturdy back pack or book bag to be brought EVERYDAY!! (Write your child's name on it!!) Every night check to see what is inside the bag!!*When purchasing, remember there will be papers, art projects, boots, shoes, etc. in this bag, so get one large enough!!2. $20.00 for food experiences in the classroom.
PLEASE HELP YOUR CHILD FIND THE FOLLOWING:Where to line up waiting for school to start.*Where to WAIT if someone is to pick them up.*Exact way to go home from school if walking.*The children are always to line up and enter through the Kindergarten doors. If the weather is bad, (it is raining or snowing) they may go in the main entrance by the office and wait quietly in the Activity Room until school starts. The children also exit through the Kindergarten doors after school. I like to have them wait on the steps until they see their ride coming. Please do not have your child wait by the flagpole or any where else. I like to have them close by as we wait for rides to come. If you drive a car to pick up your child, please pull into a parking stall instead of waiting behind someone who has parked in a stall.Please do not drop your child off before 8:30.
PLEASE TELL YOUR CHILD: What to do if he/she gets sick while in school. (If your phone number changes during the year, please call the school office as soon as possible.) What to do if he/she needs you and you are not at home.Who they are to go home with after school, especially if you are carpooling!Do not bring things from home to school, especially crayons, pencils, toys, markers, etc.
CALENDAR: Each month your child will bring home our class calendar. It will tell you about some of the fun things we have been doing, and what we plan to do during the coming month. It will have special days marked and any special assignments. It will also tell you what your child should bring for Show and Tell on Tuesday. Please keep the calendar in a handy place to remind you of special days (V.I.P. and birthdays) and the Show and Tell assignment.
MONEY: Please send all money in an envelope or plastic bag with your child's name on it, and tell what the money is for (example: Mary Jones - Book Order).
BIRTHDAYS: Birthdays are very important in Kindergarten and we will celebrate each child's birthday during the school year. If your child's birthday falls on a holiday or a weekend, the birthday will be celebrated on the nearest school day. If your child's birthday occurs during the summer vacation, we will celebrate his/her half birthday. Please check the sign up chart. A reminder about the birthday will appear on the monthly calendar. If you would like, you may send a treat to school with your child on his/her birthday. There should be enough of the treat so each child in the class can have some. (I put the number of children in our class at the bottom of every calendar.) Also, according to school district regulations, the treat must be purchased from a store and not homemade. Bakeries and grocery stores are inspected regularly for health codes, and therefore, they feel are safer. Remember, birthday treats do not have to be edible, a pencil or balloon would be great. The treat will usually be handed out at the door as we leave. Each child will receive a birthday crown, a punch balloon, a "Birthday Wish" book, and we will sing "Happy Birthday" in class.
CLOTHING: Mark ALL coats, jackets, sweatshirts, hats, boots, gloves, and mittens with your child's name as well as their back packs!!!
BOOK ORDERS: Each month I will send home, attached to the monthly calendar, book orders from several different Book Clubs. This is a very inexpensive way to provide books for your child. When ordering, please make your checks out to the Book Clubs you are ordering from. Please do not send cash, as the Book companies will not accept anything but a check. If there is not enough interest in one of the clubs for that particular month, your money for that club will be returned. (Most clubs require a $10.00 minimum.)